Monday, May 18, 2015

Introductions: Sister #1

My name is Laura and I'm Sister #1 in chronological order. In other words, I'm the older sister, although I don't like to think of myself as old, since I'm only about 24 years old. Come to think of it, damn, I'm getting old!


I was born and raised in a small rainy village called Villa d'Ogna in the Italian province of Lombardy, not far from the city of Bergamo. To be precise, Villa d'Ogna doesn't have a hospital, I was brought to life in the neighbouring town, Clusone, in the palindrome year 1991. 6 years later, Sister #2 was born in the same hospital, but she will tell you more about herself.

I'm a linguist by education, currently specializing in German philology at the University of Helsinki. To see how I ended up in Helsinki, read the next paragraph. But now read this one. 
I am passionate about languages and I would like to pass on my passion to my pupils and students when I become a language teacher. Other things I'm keen on: music, food, books, traveling (not necessarily in this order). I have played the oboe for about 10 years and I have been reading books since I learnt to read, at the age of 4. I have also been eating and enjoying plenty of food and never particularly cared about my curves. I've only traveled within Europe so far and I've made it a goal in my life to visit at least a couple more continents.

Summing up the last 24 years of my life would be kind of a waste of time and energies, so I will just focus on the events of the last couple of years. On April 1st, 2012 I took a plane for Frankfurt am Main, Germany. From there, a couple of trains took me to Giessen, a nice little university town which was to change my life completely, as I spent there the most eventful 5 months of my life as an Erasmus student. Besides learning German, English and partly Greek (thanks to my Mitbewohnerin Eva) , eating several Döner, Bratwurst and Currywurst, grilling and travelling around Germany, I also met a charming young Finn who stole my heart. 

To cut a long story short, after over 1 year of long distance relationship, I decided to follow the charming young man - so here I am, living in Finland. More precisely in Rovaniemi, Lapland, above the Arctic Circle. With the snow, Santa, the reindeer and all. 

Leaving behind my family, and especially Sister #2, was not easy, and it took me a while to realise it. It took me even a longer time to translate my feelings into words. I've come to realise that my communication skills are quite poor. I've always found it easier to write down what I think instead of saying it aloud - I suppose it's just who I am, and I cannot be blamed for that.

Sister #2 and I have always had a special relationship to each other, something unique that will bind us forever, wherever we are. Ever since she was born, I knew that my task in life was to take care of her and to protect her. When she was just a few months old and my mother and I took her around in the baby stroller, I wouldn't let anyone look at her. And if they tried, I covered the baby stroller with my body: no one was to admire my little rosy treasure.

Thanks to this wondrous thing that is the Internet, Sister #1 and Sister #2 will be united again by means of this blog, where we will share our thoughts and everything that comes to our minds. 

Life happens to separate people sometimes - but they will always find a way to be together again. And that is what I want for me and Sister #2.